Maple Syrup

Natural Organic and Conventional Pure Maple Syrup in Various Bulk Pack Sizes from 55 lb. Tins, 610 lb. Drums, Totes and Food Tankers

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bulk maple syrup suppliers united statesNatural pure maple syrup is made by boiling the sap of maple trees in the early spring. It is commonly made from sugar maple, as well as red maple, and black maple trees. It takes 40 to 50 gallons of sap to produce one gallon of syrup. After the maple sap is collected, it is boiled to evaporate the water until a specific temperature is reached. The resulting syrup will be two-thirds sugar and one-third water. The primary sugar is sucrose with lesser amounts of fructose and glucose.

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pure maple syrup bulk pack

Maple syrup should be stored in a cool and dry place that is below room temperature and out of any direct intense light. Once opened, maple syrup must be refrigerated. We offer highest quality pure maple syrup in 610 lb. steel drums and in 55 lb. tins. Our sales team will be at your service to discuss about your specific requirements.

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Amber Color, Rich Taste

Dark Color, Robust Taste

Very Dark Color, Strong Taste

Maple Sugar